Aural Rehabilitation Appointments

After your hearing aid service warranty period ends, we would like to highlight the importance of pairing your hearing aids with an appropriate and accessible aural rehabilitation program.

There’s a lot to learn when it comes to correcting your hearing loss and retaining the information pertaining to your new devices. That’s why we have provided customizable options for all patients to decide how to access the rehabilitation and continued care themselves.

Customizable Aural Rehabilitation Options

Concierge: An all-inclusive option where the educational and rehabilitation needs are met at the patient’s pace without the hassle of worrying about individual payments.

Hybrid Approach with Set Monthly Payments: More flexible financial access is available with this option, where patients can pay over a period of time for their audiology visits. Upon cancellation, they would automatically migrate to the pay-as-you-go option.

Pay as You Go: This option may be best suited for patients who have worn hearing aids in the past and are familiar with the aural rehabilitation required. For those who prefer to use the instruction manuals given with the hearing aids and other resources to educate themselves, this option allows patients to pay for only the rehabilitation visits for education or adjustments that are most important to them and their specific hearing needs.

The Value of a Knowledgeable Audiologist

One of our core values as a practice is patient education. Our doctors of audiology spend many hours continuing their education through diagnostic training, manufacturer training, and making sure we provide a gold standard of care for all of our patients looking to enhance their hearing.

Helpful Resources:

No matter which approach to aural rehabilitation works best for your hearing healthcare journey, we would like to provide you with a few helpful resources to help along the way.

Product Brochures:Digital product brochures for Hearing Aids
Oticon Companion App User Guide:User Guide
Tips and Tricks for New Hearing Aid Users:Tips and Tricks
Further Support: Need further support? For Bluetooth connectivity questions, call the Oticon Connectivity Helpline at 855-400-9766 from 8:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. EST, Monday-Friday, and 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. EST on Saturdays.

Schedule Your Aural Rehabilitation Visit Today

We are always available for support. Please reach out to our office to schedule any additional aural rehabilitation visits.

For patients without prepaid continuing care and service aural rehabilitation packages, these stand-alone aural rehabilitation visits with your audiologist will range in price from $85 to $175 per visit and will be priced based on the time and complexity of your rehabilitative needs. If you would like to inquire further about pricing for our concierge or hybrid aural rehabilitation options, please let us know, and we will be happy to go over the options with you at your next visit.

Thank you for your trust in us. We look forward to continuing to support your hearing journey with the expertise and dedication of our knowledgeable audiologists.

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